Friday 6 July 2012


A technical college would not be right for me because I do not like technology that much. One reason is because I'm not very good with stuff like that, it's to complex. Another reason is that I don't feel smart enough to work with technology on a daily basis, I would probably mess something important up. Additionally, technology is just not my thing. In conclusion, I'm not a technological person all around.

Friday 29 June 2012


I don't think that "get rich quick" schemes wor because it's just a fancy dream that people think that they can fallow. One reason is because you either need money or investors to start off with whatever product your trying to get big off of, and not very many people are willing to invest in someone's dream. Another reason is because they have to register their stuff into a whole bunch of copy-right things and that costs a lot of money too. Additionally people don't proportion themselves even if they got rich from whatever product they were selling so they go broke within a few years.